What we do

The Toronto Bicycle club is a private, non profit, cycling organization run entirely by volunteers. The club provides a variety of group bike rides on park trails, gravel paths and quiet roads in and around the GTA. Routes range from 15k leisure up to 80k faster rides and leave from a variety of locations across the GTA and up to 1 hour beyond. All rides have a minimum of one group leader and start/end together if separated. No one is left behind. The recommended bicycle type for TBC rides is either hybrid or ebike.

The club also arranges private cycling trips and social gatherings for members using the 3rd party services and venues.

These are the types of events we offer along with general descriptions;

Day Ride - Mid-week

Routes are leisurely, on cycle paths, park trails and cycle friendly city streets. Riders stop mid route for lunch at a restaurant or may be offered a, member paid, post ride BBQ hosted by the organizer. Rides can be in town or up to 1 hour drive from Toronto.

Members generally ride as one group and stop at points of interest along the route.

Event begins and ends on the same day. No overnight accommodations.
Typical timing : Meet 9:45 am, ready to ride. Depart no later than 10:00 am. Ride until 3:00pm.
Ride distance ranges from 30-40 km. Pace is leisure 15-20km/hr

Day Ride - Weekend

Routes vary and typically include a variety of paved and non paved paths, city streets and country roads. Riders stop mid route for a lunch at a picnic location or patio. Rides can be in town or up to 1 hour drive from Toronto.

Rides range from 50-80k. Some rides have a shorter or longer option. Difficulty (speed & distance) increases with the season and range from longer leisure to intermediate with a few advanced rides later in the season. If necessary, organizers may split the group for some of the ride based on rider ability. Routes are planned so that separate groups end at the same place and around the same time.

Event begins and ends on the same day. No overnight accommodations.
Typical timing : Meet 9:45 am, ready to ride. Depart no later than 10:00 am. Ride until 4:00pm.
Ride distance ranges from 50-80 km. Pace varies based on conditions. Additional details will be in the ride description.

Evening Ride

Generally held every Tuesday and Friday. Routes are leisurely, between 15-20 km, on Toronto’s many cycle paths, park trails and back streets. After the ride, members gather to socialize, often over dinner and or drinks at a nearby eatery.

Event begins and ends on the same day. No overnight accommodations.
Typical timing : Meet 6:45 pm, ready to ride. Depart no later than 7:00 pm and ride until dusk.

Ride distance ranges from 15-20 km. Pace is leisure 15-20km/hr
It may be dark for part of the ride so lights are required.

Overnight Trip

Multiday group excursion ranging in style, duration and destination.
All trips are organized by a TBC volunteer and include arrangements for group accomodations and a variety of scenic rides and activities.
– Participation requirements include : Active Membership, completed trip registration form, trip terms of participation acceptance, and full trip payment.

Registration for Overnight Trip

Online registration/payment for overnight trips opens 60 days prior to the trip start date and remains open up to 7 days before the trip start date or until all spots are filled.
The open dates are shown under this category.


Non Cycling Events such as Parties, Workshops, Shopping, AGM etc

Single day event.
Typically within the Toronto Border and accessable by public transit. Registration required for most events.

Winter Fun

Off Season outdoor events for members to stay active and connected.
May include ;
– Brisk stroll in a unique area of the city with a theme based lunch stop;
– Urban and country hikes on marked trails;
– Winter activities such as a group skate.
– Pub night member gathering

Single day event. (no overnight arrangements).
Typically 4 hours with option to grab food.
Timing and duration varies depending on the event.
Active membership and proper footwear required.
Event specific details will be listed on the event page.
