Ride booking tip

When is the best time to book / cancel ?

TBC provides members with a 7 day window to book for a ride.  The process is free, easy and requires no real commitment until the actual start of the ride. Unfortunately, the result is often a rush on available spots long before a real commitment can be made. Factors like weather and schedule conflicts generally unfold closer to the ride date. On average 3 out of every 10 booking will be cancelled. Although we encourage earlier notice, many cancellations occur within 24 hours of the event.

So when is the best time to book? Anytime within the 7 day window if your are reasonable sure you will attend but if the ride is full we recommend checking back closer to the event as you are likely to find spots have been cancelled.   

And when is the best time to cancel? As soon as possible, leaving enough time for another member to fill your spot.

<For more info visit our FAQ page>
