The Heathview – Tweedsmuir tower

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320 Tweedsmuir Ave.
M5P 2V3

Use Google Maps to find above address

TBC party is in the 2nd floor party room 
(Tweedsmuir Ave. runs north from St. Clair W. It’s one block west of Spadina Ave.)

Free on street, parking on side streets.

TTC directions

  1. Go to St. Clair West subway station
  2. Exit the station using the Heath St. exit
  3. Go up the escalators and stairs to street level
  4. Turn left at street level and walk east towards
    Tweedsmuir Ave. (It’s the first stop sign)
  5. Turn right onto Tweedsmuir Ave. and walk to the first tall building (on your right)
    (320 Tweedsmuir Ave.)
  6. Enter lobby and tell the concierge you’re here for the Toronto Bicycle Club party.
  7. The concierge will direct you to the elevator where you’ll go to the 2nd floor party room

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