Fall Folly Hiking

Date - Sep 19-Sep 21 2014
Time - All Day

Event Category Overnight Trip --Click for info

Organized by

Enjoy fabulous hiking/fall folliage Letchworth State Park, NY – Grand Canyon of the east.

Accomodation/meals historic Glen Iris Inn.

The price for the Fall Folly Letchworth State Park Hiking Trip will be $285.

Canadian dollars on a per person double occupancy, which includes accomm. 2 nights, 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 1 dinner.

Currently, there are just a few spaces still available.  If you are planning to register, it is recommended that you do so now.

Organizers Tracy Horsman, Sylvia Winninger

Contact Tracy via tracyhikingtrip@gmail.com to register.

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