Routes vary and typically include a variety of paved and non paved paths, city streets and country roads. Riders stop mid route for a lunch at a picnic location or patio. Rides can be in town or up to 1 hour drive from Toronto.
Rides range from 50-80k. Some rides have a shorter or longer option. Difficulty (speed & distance) increases with the season and range from longer leisure to intermediate with a few advanced rides later in the season. If necessary, organizers may split the group for some of the ride based on rider ability. Routes are planned so that separate groups end at the same place and around the same time.
Event begins and ends on the same day. No overnight accommodations.
Typical timing : Meet 9:45 am, ready to ride. Depart no later than 10:00 am. Ride until 4:00pm.
Ride distance ranges from 50-80 km. Pace varies based on conditions. Additional details will be in the ride description.