Admin software

Club Executives should have working knowledge of MS office tools, Facebook and Mailchimp (for scheduled outbound emails). The Club is not responsible for the support of personal devices or personal software choices (eg Email settings & filters, Mapping apps, Facebook settings).

The Web Administrator must also have working knowledge of WordPress and be able to provide support for the following WordPress Plugin’s.

WP Plug-inApplication
Contact Form 7Online forms that go to TBC Exec (CONTACT US, INCIDENT FORM, TRIP SUBMISSION) All copies received are recorded in Contact Form DB
Dynamic User DirectoryProvide Exec access to active member information (member lookup)
Also requires ‘Dynamic User Directory Exclude User Filter’ plugin 
Events ManagerManage event classification and descriptions.
Maintains bookings for single day events and access to registration pages for overnight trips (via PHP Code button). Runs with ‘The Event Calendar’ to schedule events.
Google AnalyticsTool to perform analysis of member data
Jetpack / Activity Log viewerAdmin site monitoring ( security and performance)
MemberPress BasicManage membership contracts, member data, access privileges and email preferences
MemberPress MailChimp 3.0MemberPress interface. Passes member subscriptions (opt in) to Mailchimp so they may be included in the distribution of scheduled marketing emails.
Nice PayPal Button LiteFor use on Adhock payment (not for event or membership)
PayPal gateway InterfacePayment interface for Memberpress (membership) and Registration for the events calendar PRO ( trip payment) 
Photo GalleryUsed to display Photo’s on the site ( no longer supported – we use Facebook)
Registrations for the Events Calendar Pro StandardManage registration process for Trips
Also requires ‘Registrations for The Events Calendar Manual Waiting List’ plugin
Simple Ajax ChatMember chat forum ( used as needed )
The Events CalendarCalendar to house and display all events
Video Conferencing with ZoomUsed to run Zoom meetings from the website
WP Mail SMTP Pro
Used to send transactional email (eg membership reminders, booking confirmation & some payment receipts) from the website application using the Brevo mail service.
ReCAPTCHAA security layer that protects the website from malicious cyber attacks.